
Gears Of War 4 Locust Characters

This commodity is for the drones of the Locust Horde. For the Swarm Drones, see Drone (Swarm).

Drones, usually referred to as Grubs by Gears, are the pes soldiers of the Locust Horde. Completely loyal to their Queen, the Drones are willing to toss their lives away in a 2nd to kill a single Gear.[i] The Drones are said to be bred by the Queen herself.[3] Many different classes of Drones specialize in dissimilar forms of combat. They are born and bred for combat, fearless fifty-fifty when outnumbered. There have been reports of Drones appearing on the surface stealing children and other humans decades before the Pendulum Wars, but upwards until simply before Emergence Twenty-four hours, these have turned into nothing more than than fairy tales and urban legends.[4] Years earlier E-Solar day, the Locust Horde had been building up its ground forces in preparation for the invasion of the surface. Half-dozen weeks later the Pendulum Wars concluded, the Horde attacked all major Seran cities, with Drones leading the charge.

Anatomy [ ]

Drone anatomy is actually quite similar to a humans at get-go glance; they possess two arms, two legs, a pair of nostrils, ii eyes, a digestive tract, a jaw filled with teeth, five-digits on each hand, a spinal cord and a rather normal-looking torso supported by a humanoid ribcage.[5] It is highly suggested that Drones had multiple instances of major organs, such as multiple hearts. Drones seemed to have a depression-tolerance for bright lights.

One of their main differences from humans is that all Drones are covered in a thick, white hide which has gone stake, virtually likely from their subterranean lifestyle. This skin is practically rock-hard in terms of durability, severely limiting the usage of cutting and slashing weapons against them. This was discovered on, or before long after, East-Day, when Serans found that they were unable to defend themselves with their bayonets and combat knives. However, information technology has been known that if plenty creature force was put behind information technology, a burglarize-mounted bayonet could easily skewer a hapless Drone. Eventually, it was demonstrated past Tai Kaliso that chainsaws would exist an first-class weapon to pierce through a Drone'south peel, eventually leading to the creation of the Mark two Lancer Set on Rifle, which were outfitted with chainsaw bayonets.

A Berserker. These female person Locust Drones are drastically unlike from their male counterparts.

Female Drones, on the other hand, were far more dangerous. Chosen Berserkers for their seemingly-endless bouts of rage, each female stood over seven feet alpine, could boom through solid brick with little to no effort and was blind. Some other i of their most distinctive traits is that they had incredibly durable armor plating which rendered them virtually allowed to small arms fire. Nevertheless, loftier temperatures were known to temporally soften these shells and brand them more vulnerable to attack. Many a Gear take taken advantage of this when fighting a Berserker.

Information technology was speculated by Colonel Victor Hoffman that Drones reproduced through rape, as their female counterparts, the Berserkers, were constantly in a fit of rage and would accidently kill any Drone that would try to mate with them. Even so, this would be an evolutionary disadvantage, as every species needs to reproduce to survive.[6]

History [ ]

Drones on Eastward-Day.

East-Day [ ]

On Emergence Solar day, the Locust Horde launched an all-out attack on the surface, striking every unmarried COG nation and remnant of the UIR.[seven] The Drones began systematically killing every single homo they encountered and fought off any COG counterattack the Serans could muster. The Drones' brutality was immense as they didn't leave alive any homo they constitute (even if they were women or children). The Drones began ransacking cities across the planet and stealing engineering to assist benefit their war effort. Cities similar Jannermont and Andius were ransacked and looted, with the local population massacred. The Drones' natural hides made information technology about impossible to impale with the bayonet on the Mk 1 Lancer Assault Rifle. Their bloodthirsty nature fabricated the Drones a truly horrible enemy for the Gears to fight. Because of their advantage in the war, the Serans were forced to take drastic measures and launched all their WMDs and Hammer of Dawn stations. Destroying all life outside of Jacinto Plateau and killing whatsoever Drone caught outside the Hollow, the Hammer of Dawn strikes failed to eliminate the Locust Horde or the majority of the Drone regular army. The state of war would continue for years to come, with the Horde continuing to gain footing towards Ephyra.

Evacuation of Ilima [ ]

When Zeta-Half-dozen tried to evacuate Ilima City later on it had been taken over by the Kryllstorm, General RAAM led a personal assail on the metropolis so the Kryll could devour its human being population. Thousands of Drones and their variants helped help the General in conveying out his attacks, given out by Queen Myrrah. Corpsers began to open up Emergence Holes around the metropolis and Drones began to attack every evacuation checkpoint they encountered every bit the COG tried to evacuate the metropolis as soon as it could; one of these evacuation checkpoints was Zeta-Half dozen's evacuation checkpoint. Drones killed every Gear squad they encountered to prevent them from evacuating civilians; their arrival was somehow surprising for the humans as they didn't expect Locust to attack the urban center when the Kryll was already there. General RAAM and Queen Myrrah ordered Drones to take over certain parts of the city, such as Ilima Savings and Trust and Ilima High School; these were cleared of all civilians waiting for evacuation. RAAM appeared to encourage the Drones to complete their objectives as the sky began to ink and then a Kryllstorm could destroy the city. Drones were likewise tasked to defend Seeders so they could ink the sky. They soon took over Ilima City Hall as RAAM and his bodyguards finished with Alpha Squad's Evacuation Checkpoint and the Onyx Guards that protected it. In the final moments of the evacuation, i of the few places non under the command of the Locust was Dr. Wisen's Schoolhouse of Promise. It quickly became an objective of all Drone forces. When xx minutes were left for the Kryllstorm to go far, the Drones stormed the orphanage from all angles and attacked the team defending information technology. Theron Elites before long arrived and Drones gave them help as they tried to eliminate the humans. General RAAM himself appeared at the scene to have care of the Gears, destroying the span that led to the orphanage. Nevertheless, the battle soon shifted sides as the Mauler Elites and RAAM's Lieutenant were killed in battle. Full general RAAM again encouraged his soldiers in their last boxing against the Gears and many Drones, Cyclops, Grenadiers and Bolters helped him set on the orphanage and to protect him and his Reaver. Emerging from every Emergence Hole that opened hugger-mugger and assisting the General in his attacks, the Locust's attempts to destroy the orphanage were futile, with General RAAM himself being badly wounded. Many of the civilians were rescued and the urban center was saved from the Kryllstorm. Despite this, the Horde managed to have over the metropolis and were one stride closer to Ephyra for an attack on the capital city, equally Myrrah had expected.

From Victory to Defeat [ ]

With 1 war machine victory after another, the Locust Horde would continue their march on Ephyra and the rest of Jacinto. By five A.E., Landown, merely a twenty-four hour period's bulldoze away from Jacinto City, was captured. In x A.E., Ephyra, the COG's capital, was attacked. Just capturing the city after Marcus Fenix, having deserted his post with the targeting laser for the Hammer of Dawn to save his begetter, the Horde was able to conquer the symbol of the COG.[half dozen] For the next four years, the Drones would continue to accelerate towards Jacinto City, the last refuge for the Seran race. By 14 A.E., the COG Army was greatly diminished, assuasive criminals and perchance the criminally insane to enlist in the COG Army. 1 of these criminals was Marcus, who would fight hundreds of Drones in the Ephyra Metropolis area. The Drones, led by General RAAM, would attempt to stop the COG from using the Lightmass Flop. Despite the Locust Horde's best efforts, the COG was able to launch the Lightmass Flop and attack the Outer Hollows. The bombing killed untold numbers of Drones, along with other caste members of the Locust Horde. The Locust Horde faced its greatest defeat since the step back in 1 A.East. Bloom, but it was not destroyed and was able to recuperate.

A New Ground forces [ ]

The new Locust army included specialized Drones.

Weeks after the bombing at Timgad, the Locust Horde was forced to rebuild the Hollows and their regular army. The Drones were given new armor and new classes of warriors. Snipers were given new armor, Grapplers were trained to climb over the natural defenses of Jacinto, Cyclops were trained to use the Lancer chainsaw bayonet, and a new form of Grenadier was given the Scorcher Flamethrower. But a major change was placed in the bureaucracy; Skorge, the leader of the Kantus monks, was placed in accuse of the Locust regular army, replacing the deceased General RAAM. Skorge used the Riftworm to counterattack the COG and destroy at least three cities and an unknown number of COG outposts. The new Drone army would pb the siege of Jacinto. They would attack North Gate Agronomical Depot, opening the siege by taking out the food centers for Jacinto. The Horde would continue to lay siege to Jacinto, while Drones would eliminate Gears in the Pirnah Badlands. Later the pocket-sized Drone presence in the Badlands was eradicated, Montevado and Tollen were gone. The Locust counterattack began. By xv A.Eastward., the Locust Horde was within Jacinto City, raiding Pomeroy Depot and Jacinto Med. Though the attacks were viewed as desperate by the COG, the continuing raids into Jacinto forced the COG to launch an assault deep into Locust-held territory. The COG assembled a big strength of Gears, ranging from newly recruited Stranded soldiers to veterans of the Pendulum Wars. The COG strike force entered the Landown surface area, while the Locust Army waited for an ambush, using their Seeders to take out many King Ravens. Reavers attacked the Derricks from the air whilst Grapplers climbed aboard from beneath, leading to heavy losses. The COG was able to enter Landown, but with unacceptable losses which failed to end the chief Locust army from attacking Jacinto.[8] As COG forces entered Landown, they engaged the Drones in urban gainsay, which caused heavy losses for the Horde. The COG forces were able to deploy their Grindlifts, but the Drones, led past Skorge, carried out a partially successful attack on the dig site, killing many Gears, destroying several Derricks and even personally slicing through a Centaur tank. In an all-out attack on the Inner Hollow, Drones ambushed several COG squads earlier they had the run a risk of getting out of their Grindlifts.[9]

Fall of Nexus [ ]

While the second wave of Gears were landing inside Nexus, the Drones were fighting a 2nd front against the Lambent. The Lambent were routing the Drones on all fronts inside Nexus, leaving the interior about defenseless for Delta Team. The Drones failed to stop the Gears from entering the Palace but the Queen sent the chief Locust army to assault Jacinto in an effort to sink the city, thus flooding the Hollows and exterminating the Lambent threat. Tens of thousands of Drones attacked Jacinto, with hundreds of Grapplers climbing into the COG HQ and other parts of the army entering via the sinkhole. At the aforementioned fourth dimension, Reavers tried to go on the skies under Locust command. Delta Team was able to defeat Skorge, leaving the Locust Horde leaderless. Delta Team was likewise able to defend COG HQ and lead a counterattack into the heart of the sinkhole, killing hundreds of Drones on the mode and hijacking a Brumak.

In the Locust tunnels, as Marcus and Dom piloted the Brumak, hundreds of Drones attempted to abscond deeper into the caverns to avert the Brumak's chain guns and rockets, but were rapidly massacred by them. Those that managed to escape into the caverns died afterward the COG flooded Jacinto by detonating the Brumak that had turned Lambent.

Drones fighting in Char, 2 years after the sinking of Jacinto.

Lambent Pandemic [ ]

After the sinking of Jacinto and the flooding of the Hollows, a vast corporeality of Drones became separated from the Horde and reverted to their feral stages. These 'savage drones' would rebuild their tunnels almost the surface or occupy the former homes of the Serans.[ten] Meanwhile, other Drones, such equally Snipers, Cyclops, Grapplers and Spotters, of all whom were still loyal to the Queen, joined with the Remnant of the Horde and attacked Port Farrall. After a series of battles around the city, the COG abandoned the city and headed for the Lesser Islands. While the remnant would disappear for the side by side 18 months, information technology reemerged to fight the Lambent and Serans during the Lambent Pandemic. Eighteen months afterward the Lambent attacks on Vectes, some of the stranded drones became the Savage Drones. Due to Adam Fenix's Imulsion Countermeasure device, the Drones, aslope every other Locust on Sera, were wiped out and became extinct.

Swarm War [ ]

Ane of the starting time Drone Hybrids

Following the deployment of the Imulsion Countermeasure, the bodies of all Locust creatures, including Drones, were encased in an Imulsion, indestructible, crystalline shells. Twenty five years afterwards, on the 25th ceremony of Victory 24-hour interval, humanity learned that those shells were in fact cocoons and all creatures inside of them were evolving to later on hatch out and become part of a race known as the Swarm. The Locust Drones evolved into beings known as Scions, the initial leaders and after officers of the Swarm.[11]

During the Mission to Mount Kadar Laboratory, Gears Cpl. Kait Diaz, granddaughter to Myrrah and daughter to Reyna Torres, and Lt. Delmont Walker, entered the laboratory accompanied by an artificial intelligence of Niles Samson where they find the first created Drones every bit "successful hybrids." As with their ancestors, some remained in stasis while others had been frozen to death during Myrrah'south rampage after the supposed death of her girl, which led to revolt. Afterward Cpl. Diaz's connectedness to the Swarm was asunder and the Matriarch awakened, the Drones emerged from their stasis, pledging their allegiance to their new queen, but were wiped out along with the Sires inside the laboratory and the Matriarch by Cpl. Diaz and Lt. Walker.[12]

Behavior [ ]

The females of Drones are Berserkers, which are taller and more aggressive than their male person counterparts and in guild to be effectively used in combat need to be chained and led by a Drone escort.[1] [13]

Other than transforming humans into Drones, another course of reproduction is classic sexual reproduction, with sure Drones given mating rights with Berserkers. Information technology is speculated that Drones breed by raping Berserkers as Col. Victor Hoffman theorized that Berserkers are tied down in order to forestall them from killing the Drone due to their aggressive nature.[6]

Drones use the massive tunnel network under the planet's surface for troop movement and can quickly create 'portals' almost anywhere on the surface, called Emergence Holes, which they frequently use to surprise their enemies. Around 18 months after the sinking of Jacinto, feral drones began earthworks small tunnels and living in the homes of Serans to effort to regain the temper of the Hollows.

The Drones are fully capable of setting up ambushes, lures, and sniping positions. All Drones are willing to throw their lives away by the hundreds to kill a single entrenched Gear.[1] The Drone was unable to lose morale or rout in the face of the Serans,[1] but after the Lambent Pandemic, many Drones gave ground in face up of the advancing Lambent Locust.[9]

Notable Drones [ ]

  • Gurst
  • Jermad
  • Karn
  • Praax
  • RAAM
  • Sraak
  • Port Farrall Prisoner[7]
  • Unidentified Theron Aristocracy

Behind the scenes [ ]

"Tattooed enemies are piece of cake. Branding? Far more crude and nasty. Tough, savage, yet intelligent."
—Destroyed Dazzler
  • Some other Drone variant was set to announced in Gears of War named the Locust Hunter. Armed with a Torque Bow, it was eventually scrapped in favor of the Grenadier, and the Torque Bow was given to the Theron Guard. The Hunter did eventually become its own debut as a class, but not until afterwards the get-go Gears of War game.
  • Drones know some homo linguistic communication, but speak in very short phrases. Some of them are:
    • "Advance!" or "Advancing."
    • "Behind sandbag"
    • "Die, groundwalker." or "Die, 'human."
    • "Downwards!" (when downed)
    • "Grenade."
    • "Mine!"
    • "Reloading."
    • "Retreating!"
    • "Shoot me." or "Destroy me."
    • "Spotted!" or "Basis!"

Multiplayer [ ]

  • The Drone is a playable character in Gears of War, Gears of State of war 2 and Gears of War 3.
  • The Drone is a playable graphic symbol in Gears of War 4, available in the Locust Drones Gear Pack.
  • The Drone is a playable graphic symbol in Gears five, available as part of Performance two.
  • Locust Drones appear as Enemies in Gears 5'due south Horde fashion.

References [ ]

  1. 1.0 one.1 1.ii i.iii 1.4 1.v Gears of War: Destroyed Dazzler
  2. Gears of State of war: Dingy Lilliputian Secrets Role Six (No Hiding Place) (Page 12)
  3. Gears of State of war 2 Collectible
  4. Gears of State of war - Legend of Monster stealing children, and the Tyran tales of Romily and Boogeyman
  5. Gears of War: Aspho Fields pg 249
  6. 6.0 6.ane 6.two Gears of War: Aspho Fields
  7. seven.0 7.1 Gears of War: Jacinto's Remnant
  8. Gears of War: Jacinto's Remnant intro
  9. 9.0 ix.i Gears of War 2
  11. Gears of War 4
  12. Gears 5: Dirtier Piddling Secrets
  13. Gears of War
Hollow and Enemy Creatures
Locust Horde
Berserker (Dame) · Boomer (Butcher, Flame Boomer, Grinder, Mauler, Mauler Elite, Cruel Boomer, Tremor) · Drone (Beast Rider, Bolter, Cyclops, Disciple, Flame Drone, Grappler, Gunner, Miner, Vicious Drone, Cruel Hunter, Barbarous Marauder, Sniper, Scout) · Grenadier (Flame Grenadier, Grenadier Elite, Hunter, Hunter Elite, Fell Grenadier, Cruel Grenadier Elite, Ravager) · Kantus (Armored Kantus, Savage Kantus, Zealot) · Rager · Sire · Theron (Cleaver Theron, Palace Guard, Savage Theron, Theron Elite, Theron Lookout)
Hollow Creatures
Bloodmount · Brumak · Corpser (Shibboleth) · Digger · Gas Barge · Heart Leech · Kraken · Kryll · Leviathan · Mangler · Nemacyst (Ink Grenade) · Nemacyte · Reaver (Assail Barque, Hydra) · Riftworm · Rockworm · Rock Shrew · Seeder · Serapede · Siegebeast · Tempest (Shrieker) · Ticker · Torture Barge · Wretch
Sometime · Lambent Berserker · Lambent Brumak · Lambent Balderdash · Lambent Canis familiaris · Lambent Drone (Lambent Drudge) · Lambent Grenadier · Lambent Gunker · Lambent Leviathan · Lambent Polyp · Lambent Stalk · Lambent Theron · Lambent Wretch
Canker · Carrier · DeeBees (Bastion, Reject, Stump) · Drone (Aristocracy Drone, Grenadier, Aristocracy Grenadier, Hunter, Aristocracy Hunter, Imago, Sniper, Elite Sniper) · Flock (Leech) · Hive Beast · Juvie (Screamer, Popper) · Kraken · Locust (Drone · Matriarch · Sire) · Scion (Armored Scion, Heavy Scion, Scion Elite, Warden) · Snatcher (Pouncer) · Swarmak
DR-1 · Shepherd (Deadeye) · Tracker (Shock Tracker) · Watcher (Guardian, Sentinel)


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